
August Showcase

Our first practice robot, dubbed Watermelon by the team, was built over the summer of our first year! It was a great skill-building project and we had fun showing it off at our potluck at the end of August!


Halloween Demo at Fallowfield Tree Farm

In March, we decided to host a public demo at FTF to showcase our robot to everyone interested. The turnout was great, with over 50 local residents!



Waterloo District Event

Our first ever competition robot, Sparky, had its debut at the Waterloo Rapid React event! We were proud to take home the Rookie All-Star Award at the end of the weekend.


North Bay District Event

Sparky put up a great show again at the North Bay event, where we were proud to finish as Finalists, and won the Rookie Inspiration Award!


Ontario Provincial Championships

We had our team spirit turned all the way up entering this four-day provincial competition! Despite being a rookie team, we ended off the 2022 season with a bang, finishing 39th out of all 67 teams in Ontario!


Classroom Eggdrop Workshop

Sparkling H2O members visited four elementary school classrooms to introduce students in grades 3 and 5 to the engineering design process! It was fantastic to see all the innovative designs from the next generation of young engineers in our community!

Events Calendar