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The Outreach Subteam is a key part of the way Spark Youth Robotics Club run, as without it, we would not have the funds to function.

Photo by Kaung Htet
Photo by Manny Moreno

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The Outreach Subteam

Outreach is an important aspect of any FIRST robotics team because it helps to promote the team, its mission, and the STEM education opportunities that it provides. Outreach allows the team to connect with the community and share its enthusiasm for robotics, technology, and problem-solving with others. It also helps to build relationships with local businesses, organizations, and other teams, which can lead to valuable partnerships and collaborations. Additionally, outreach can help to attract new members, volunteers, and sponsors, which are crucial for the team's success. By participating in outreach activities, a FIRST robotics team can have a positive impact on its community and inspire others to get involved in STEM education and robotics.

Outreach Gallery