We are


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Photo by Kaung Htet
Photo by Manny Moreno

Photo by Andras Vas

What is the Mechanical Subteam?

The mechanical subteam is a subteam devoted to the building of the robot. The mechanical subteam performs all tasks and duties in regards to the general creation of the parts used in prototyping and final models of the machine. The manufactured parts demands diligence and precision, thus requiring each of the members to hold a high standard of work. Members work mainly with powered tools (saws, drills, CNC, etc...) to cut and assemble metal and other materials, which are important for prototyping or field materials.

Current Projects

Although we're constantly working on multiple things at once, here's 4 of our major projects at the moment!

Photo by Lorenzo Herrera
January 07, 2022

Creating a Robotic Arm

After looking at the current FIRST game, we started researching and building robotic arms that we can use to collect boxes and cones.

Photo by Lorenzo Herrera
January 07, 2022

Prototyping Intake Designs

Like the mechanical arm, we believe that an intake will be valuable for this year's game. We current have a team devoted to prototyping and developing a intake for game objects.

Photo by Lorenzo Herrera
November 03, 2021

Building a Drivetrain

We have decided to overhaul our previous drivetrain for this year's game. We hope to improve structural stability and mobility through the use of different motors and materials.

Photo by Lorenzo Herrera
October 21, 2021

Learning how to CAD

Over this past pre-season, we've had a large influx of members that need to learn to CAD with our software!

Mechanical Gallery